
Prime Minister Najib Mikati Visited The Magistral Palace of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Rome

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati had talks with the Grand Chancellor of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo, at the Magistral Palace, Thursday the 16th of March 2023. After the meeting, the Prime Minister was received by the Lieutenant of the Grand Master, Fra’ John Dunlap.

In the talks – in which Grand Hospitaller Fra ‘Alessandro de Franciscis took part – the excellent relations established over 70 years of diplomatic relations were reiterated. The first healthcare center dates back to 1957 and the Lebanese Association started its health and social care programs in 1981. Since then, the Order of Malta has played – and continues to play – a key role in Lebanon, suffering a 15-year civil war and serious social and economic crises.

‘The Order of Malta is doing excellent work in my country,’ said Prime Minister Mikati, stressing the very difficult crisis that Lebanon is currently undergoing and how ‘my government’s priorities concern education and health. One of our priorities is to elect the President of the Republic, an office vacant since last October.’

The talks also addressed the issue of humanitarian corridors to Syria, even more essential after the earthquake in February.

The Grand Chancellor reiterated that ‘Lebanon has a place in the Order of Malta’s heart. We are ready and willing to make every possible effort to increase our health and social care programs. A meeting is scheduled in Beirut very soon between Prime Minister Najib Mikati and the President of the Lebanese Association Marwan Sehnaoui to take stock of the situation and coordinate efforts.’

Since 2019, Lebanon is again experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe further aggravated by the pandemic emergency and the explosion in the port of Beirut in August 2020. The economic crisis has severely weakened the health system; vendors, hospitals and pharmacies lack basic medicines. The population is no longer able to afford medical treatment and the demand for humanitarian assistance is growing. Inflation in Lebanon has reached a dramatic level and the consumer price index (CPI) has registered an annual increase of 123.5%.

The Order of Malta in Lebanon is in the vanguard for providing health and social care to the most vulnerable through its eleven health and social centers and projects nationwide. Seven mobile clinical units reach the most remote areas of the country. The Order of Malta’s Lebanese Association also organizes cancer and heart disease prevention and awareness campaigns and runs programs to assist pregnant women. The Association recently opened a new health center in Beirut, capable of assisting up to 500 patients a day.

There are also specific projects for the elderly and those with special needs, with particular attention for children with brain disorders. Every year, summer camps are organized for young people with severe disabilities, in which hundreds of The Order of Malta volunteers participate from all over the world. In recent years, the Association has also launched Agro-humanitarian projects to support farmers and the local economy.

All assistance activities are supported by bilateral agreements for health and humanitarian cooperation between the Lebanese Government and the Sovereign Order of Malta. The first cooperation agreement dates back to 2009.

The projects in the social sphere are also of great value, developed in close collaboration with other faiths present in the country, such as the Sunni Dar El Fatwa institution, the El Sadr foundation – one of the most influential Shiite NGOs – and with the Sheikh Abou Hassan Aref Halawi Foundation, considered the main and most respected institution within the Druze community.

Source: The Sovereign Order Of Malta

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Inauguration of the Order of Malta Lebanon laboratories

The Order of Malta Lebanon inaugurated on October 19, 2022 its biological analysis laboratory and its dental prosthetics laboratory located within its St Jean Baptiste center in Ain El Remmaneh to provide its  patients with the best quality of care.

These laboratories were made possible thanks to Agence Francaise de Developpement and Fondation Pierre Fabre – in addition, a partnership has been established with Hotel Dieu de France for the biological analysis laboratory and USJ for the dental prosthetic laboratory.

The inauguration of the new laboratories took place in the presence of representatives from Fondation Pierre Fabre, AFD, Université Saint-Joseph (USJ), Hôtel-Dieu de France (HDF) and the Order of Malta Lebanon. Those present were thus able to discover a floor entirely dedicated to laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment.


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Launch of the Order of Malta Lebanon’s 7th Mobile Medical Unit in the Chouf region

The Order of Malta Lebanon has extended its network of six mobile medical units (MMUs) that roam the Lebanese territory, a seventh, covering the Chouf and surrounding regions. This initiative was implemented with the support of Fondation Pierre Fabre, The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the “King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center”. The MMU will provide primary healthcare services to more than 20 villages.

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Our Agro-Humanitarian Program second phase launch

With a mission of “Improving health by facilitating the supply and access to nutritious food and supporting nutrition-sensitive agriculture livelihoods that promote local dietary habits, protecting natural resources, and strengthening the resilience of producers”, the Order of Malta Lebanon launched the second phase of its Agro-Humanitarian program through setting up three Service Provision Units in the catchment areas of the Order of Malta’s socio-medical centers in Kobayat, Ain Ebel and Khaldiyeh, and the construction of two others in Deir El Ahmar and Kherbet Anafar.

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OMV Lebanon – Sports Tournament

OMV Lebanon inter-center tournament brought together, in its first edition, more than 1,000 people, including 400 underprivileged children, who competed in football and basketball. After 2 months of training, the children of the 9 centers of the Order of Malta Lebanon met on September 11 at Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour to compete in the said disciplines. This initiative was supported by the “Global Fund for Forgotten People”, and the tournament sponsored by Aquafina, Snips and Sanita. The 400 young athletes followed football and basketball training twice a week, led by professional coaches under the supervision of the “Beirut Football Academy”. The final inter-center championship took place at Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour, who generously made available its sports grounds to the Order of Malta Lebanon.

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The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:


The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including Community Health Centers (following the MoPH Primary Healthcare Program), Mobile Medical Units, Elderly Day Care Centers, Hosting Centers for the Differently Abled persons and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon (OML), with the support of its partner Fondation Pierre Fabre (FPF), has recently developed a comprehensive program to strengthen its health and social services.


In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Interest for interested bidders for the execution of rehabilitation works at Zouk (Mount Lebanon).

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:


The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Interest for interested bidders for the execution of land preparation works on a land located in Jeb Jannine

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:


The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified photovoltaic system suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:


The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified freekeh production equipment suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:


The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified medical equipment suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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