Knights and DamesIn Lebanon, our Order is religious and our activities, programs and projects reflect these spiritual values that are implemented on a daily basis.

The knighthood nature explains and justifies the maintenance of the noble nature of the Order, as most of its Religious Knights came from chivalrous and noble Christian families. Today the majority of Knights of Malta belong to all realm of society, they are around 14,000 worldwide.

According to the Constitution, the members of the Order of Malta are divided into three classes. The members are to conduct their lives in an exemplary manner in conformity with the teachings and precepts of the Catholic Church and to devote themselves to the humanitarian assistance activities of the Order.

First Class: they are Knights of Justice, or Professed Knights, and the Professed Conventual Chaplains, who have made vows of poverty, chastity and obedience aspiring to perfection according to the Gospel. They are religious for all purposes of Canon Law but are not obliged to live in community. The Grand Master is elected among the Knights of Justice.

Second Class: by virtue of the Promise of Obedience, they are committed to living according to Christian principles and the inspiring principles of the Order.

Third Class: consists of lay members who do not profess religious vows or the Promise, but who live according to the principles of the Church and the Order.

Today, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta is composed of:

  • 1 Professed Knight
  • 1 Knight of Honor and Devotion in Obedience
  • 58 Knights and Dames of Magistral Grace
  • 4 Magistral Chaplains