Through a joint Lebanese / German structure of the Order, every year, 10 to 12 youth from different nationalities, over the age of 18, offer 10 months of their lives to serve the disabled community in Lebanon. They learn how to serve the Other regardless of his differences.
The Caravan program begins in Germany for a preparation camp, the team then travels to Lebanon to start their service during the summer holiday camps for the disabled in Chabrouh. Their formation is then continued once they settle in their house close to Beirut. First, the volunteers undertake a month of intensive Arabic language courses. After that, they follow a specially designed curriculum at the Jesuit University in Beirut (USJ), for which 16 internationally recognized ECTS points (European Credit Transfer System) are awarded.
Every afternoon, they visit severely disabled people in their institutions to provide them with love, care, friendship, games, joy, fun and variety that is lacking in their daily lives.
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