
JUST HELP! A new online food drive initiative!

In our day and time, Lebanon is facing an unprecedented economic crisis as well as a global pandemic, topped off with high rates of poverty and undernutrition. That is why the Elderly Sponsorship Program – running since 2012 – is crucial, since many families’ food intake depends on it. By digitalizing the food drive, the Youth was able to expand the program’s reach: with a purpose of making donations accessible to everyone on a worldwide scale, JUST HELP facilitates the donation process by allowing transfers in several currencies. Thus, the platform helped to supply monthly food and sanitary packages to many elders and families.

No donation is ever too small. Being part of this project as one of its ambassadors was very rewarding. Receiving donations is one achievement, but being able to give the packages out fills one with great satisfaction. Thanks to over 70 amazing donors and more than 2,000 food products collected, the Youth was able to draw smiles on many faces.

One thing I learnt through camps and activities such as this one is that, no matter how much you give, you’re always receiving more. Witnessing the growth of this program in merely a month made me realize that, amidst all the chaos we are engulfed in, the Youth never ceases to assist the most vulnerable. As the flyer of the Program points out: One Click, One Smile, Big Change.

Sibylle Antaki, Lebanese volunteer