
Meet the Youth: Marina Makhlouf

1. Introduce yourself.
Hello, my name is Marina Makhlouf, I’m 26 and I just graduated with a master degree in psychomotor therapy.

2. How did you hear about the Youth?
I was working in a coffee shop and bumped into a childhood friend that I hadn’t seen for years. While catching up, she talked to me about the Chabrouh camp she was going to attend a few weeks later. She got excited and told me how amazing it was and that she had been attending it for years. After a while, she just asked me: Would you come? With what you do, you’re going to love it… I, unexpectedly, told her I’d love too, though I was not very comfortable to do so. It all started this way, just by opening doors to new opportunities, and it is, until today, always an amazing moment I spend.

3. What is your best memory?
Mmmm… it’s hard to pick one! My first camp (Dutch camp) or the first downie camp!
Ok the downie camp. Downies are FULL OF ENERGY.

4. The Youth in one word:
Love, laughter, friendship and happiness (je n’arrive pas à choisir le plus beau ! 🙄)

5. What makes you come back to our activities?
What makes me come back are the guests / the diversity in activities and the self-reward. Each camp or activity brings me new friendships and love.