
Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Medical Equipment Providers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified medical equipment providers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Medical Furniture Providers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified medical furniture providers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Soutenir le peuple libanais confronté à une crise sans précédent : l’action de l’Ordre de Malte au Liban

Sous le haut patronage de Gérard Larcher, président du Sénat français, un colloque s’est tenu le mardi 23 novembre au palais du Luxembourg, siège du Sénat, en soutien au peuple libanais confronté à une crise sans précédent. L’action humanitaire menée par l’Ordre de Malte au Liban était au cœur du débat, en présence de plusieurs personnalités du monde médical, pharmaceutique, agricole et associatif, ainsi que de députés et ministres, venus notamment de Monaco et d’Allemagne spécialement pour l’occasion.

Plusieurs intervenants ont souligné leur attachement au pays du Cèdre et évoqué la nécessité de soutenir son peuple en plein désarroi. Ils ont à cet effet relevé l’action exemplaire de terrain entreprise par l’Ordre de Malte pour venir en aide à la population et soulager ses souffrances.

On comptait parmi les intervenants Mme Christine Lavarde, sénatrice et présidente du groupe parlementaire d’amitié France-Liban, et M. Albert Kfouri, président de l’association Malte-Liban basée en France, et modérateur du colloque.

Les différents pôles de l’action de l’Ordre de Malte Liban ont été évoqués par les responsables pour répondre à la crise sur les plans médical, social et agroalimentaire.

Le président du Sénat Gérard Larcher a clôturé le colloque aux côtés de M. Marwan Sehnaoui, président de l’Ordre de Malte au Liban.

Le président Larcher a souligné l’importance du Liban et insisté sur le fait que ce pays incarne, malgré toutes les difficultés auxquelles il fait face, la résilience et l’espoir, grâce à sa diversité ainsi qu’à son héritage culturel ; un pays symbole qui a toujours constitué un exemple, porteur de messages multiculturels pour le monde. Il a enfin appelé à l’organisation d’une conférence interlibanaise sur la souveraineté du Liban, avec le soutien du groupe des Amis du Liban et les partenaires régionaux.

M. Marwan Sehnaoui a de son côté souligné l’urgence de sauver l’identité même du Liban, laboratoire du vivre-ensemble, et de soutenir le peuple libanais exsangue et à la dignité bafouée, pour lui permettre de reprendre espoir en l’avenir. Il a enfin remercié les partenaires présents pour leur coopération et l’aide qu’ils apportent au Liban aux côtés de l’Ordre de Malte, afin qu’il demeure le pays-message qu’il a vocation à être.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Photovoltaic Systems Suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified photovoltaic systems suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Office Furniture Suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified office furniture suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– IT hardware & equipment suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified IT hardware & equipment suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Garlic and Onion Bulbs Suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified garlic and onion bulbs suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Horticulture Seedling Nursery Suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 40 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified horticulture seedling nursery suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Horticulture Nursery Suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified horticulture nursery suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Contracting Companies for Rehabilitation Works

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified contracting companies for minor to medium scale rehabilitation works.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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