
Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Agriculture Products Suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified agriculture products suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Dental Consumables Suppliers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified dental consumables suppliers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Consultant for the implementation of a vocational training center

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for a qualified consultant for the implementation of a vocational training center.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Consultant for the Integration of Mental Health Referral Services for the Mobile Medical Units’ Patients

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for a qualified consultant for the integration of mental health referral services for the mobile medical units’ patients.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Service Provider – Medical Equipment Providers

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified medical equipment providers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Automotive Dealerships

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified automotive dealers.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Contracting Companies

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified contracting companies for the rehabilitation project of 9 primary healthcare centers located in different areas in Lebanon.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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Call for interest

The Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta (LAKM) / Order of Malta Lebanon is releasing a Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for the following:

– Architectural & Engineering Consultancy

The Order of Malta Lebanon has been operating in the health and social welfare sectors since 1957. It manages a network of 30 projects serving the most vulnerable populations, across the Lebanese territory including primary healthcare centers, mobile medical units, elderly day care centers, hosting centers for the differently-abled and projects for the displaced and refugees.

The Order of Malta Lebanon, with the support of its partner Malteser International (MI), has developed a comprehensive multi-annual program to strengthen its social and health services as well as its structures.

In this framework, the Lebanese Association of the Knights of Malta / Order of Malta Lebanon is looking for qualified architectural and engineering consultants to provide the services.

If interested to apply, please click on the red title above in order to access the Terms of Reference.

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La Fondation Louis Dreyfus s’engage à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire au Liban

Dans ses efforts pour lutter contre l’insécurité alimentaire au Liban, notamment durant les crises tant financière et économique que politique auxquelles le pays est confronté, l’Ordre de Malte Liban est heureux d’annoncer son nouveau partenariat avec la Fondation Louis Dreyfus pour son projet agro-humanitaire lancé et mis en œuvre depuis quelques mois.

Alors que le monde entier est accablé par la pandémie de coronavirus et ses conséquences désastreuses sur l’économie, la situation au Liban s’est d’autant plus aggravée face à l’instabilité politique, la dévaluation de la monnaie locale et enfin l’explosion du 4 août 2020 du port de Beyrouth, suscitant de grandes inquiétudes quant à la sécurité alimentaire.

Ces multiples crises ont été très durement ressenties par la population la plus vulnérable, dont le niveau de vie a basculé et qui vit désormais en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, avec un accès à la nourriture rendu extrêmement difficile, en raison du renchérissement drastique des prix des denrées alimentaires qui ont augmenté en moyenne de 220% (MOET 2021) depuis octobre 2019.

Le Liban est un pays dépendant des importations alimentaires, important près de 85% de sa nourriture (BM, 2020). L’agriculture a longtemps été considérée comme une source secondaire de revenus pour un petit pourcentage de la population. Cependant, depuis la pandémie, les jeunes et les petits agriculteurs s’intéressent de plus en plus à ce secteur, pour un meilleur accès à la sécurité alimentaire.

C’est dans cette optique que la Fondation Louis Dreyfus s’associe à l’Ordre de Malte au Liban pour soutenir 300 familles de petits agriculteurs du Sud-Liban, de la Békaa et du Nord-Liban (Khaldieh et Kobayat), à travers une aide agro-humanitaire qui leur assurerait la disponibilité de la nourriture. Couvrant les saisons d’été (mai-août 2021) et d’hiver (octobre-décembre 2021), des kits de semis, comprenant un total de 6500 plants, et de matière organique seront fournis à de petits agriculteurs sélectionnés à partir d’une évaluation de vulnérabilité menée au niveau des ménages.

Pour l’été, des plants de tomate, de poivron et de concombre seront distribués, alors que l’hiver, la distribution sera composée de chou, de chou-fleur et de brocoli. Du matériel pour les activités agricoles ainsi que des informations sur les bonnes pratiques seront également fournis par des ingénieurs expérimentés. En outre, 5% des cultures vivrières seront offerts aux patients des centres médico-sociaux de l’Ordre de Malte au Liban, dont bénéficieront également les réfugiés syriens. Ce partenariat facilitera l’accès à une production alimentaire abordable et nutritive afin de consolider la santé et la sécurité alimentaire de la population la plus vulnérable du Liban.

Le fonds de la Fondation Louis Dreyfus pour l’aide alimentaire d’urgence fournit un secours humanitaire, dans les zones les plus vulnérables d’Asie et d’Afrique, aux populations touchées par des catastrophes sanitaires, économiques ou climatiques. Depuis sa création en 2014, le fonds de la fondation pour l’aide alimentaire d’urgence s’est associé aux organisations internationales et aux organismes locaux pour fournir de la nourriture et de l’eau de subsistance au Burkina Faso, au Cambodge, en Éthiopie, au Liban, au Mali, au Mozambique, au Soudan du Sud et au Yémen.

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